Sunday, September 26, 2010

iz new

I am, for reasons unknown to me, obsessed with blogging/vlogging/journals. Not that I actually do any of these consistently, but I do enjoy creeping on strangers and their lives. Often they give me inspiration. For example, i am obsessed with decorating my apartment right now. I don't function well unless my space is comfortable, clean, peaceful and so on. So every time I go online all I seem to care about is paint colors, organizing, decor, crafts, ect. ect. ect.

The issue is, no matter what my friends or family say, I am not that creative. I'm a copier, very few original ideas from this brain. Well not necessarily, I get good ideas then never execute them because they rarely turn out the way I picture. All I want is an interior designer friend who can read me and then decorate accordingly. So, I have created this blog. One, to record all of my obsessive thoughts, and two to hopefully attract creative friends that will make me stuff.

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